“The project “With Help to the Family” was implemented in the Przeworsk Municipality. The target group of the project consisted of 40 families facing difficult life situations and crises. The aim of the project was to support families in crisis and raise their level of social activity. Through the planned tasks in the project, beneficiaries received comprehensive support in the form of psychological counseling, as well as participation in trainings and workshops on social skills, parenting skills, preventive activities (alcohol and drug prevention, aggression prevention), and sociotherapy, which is a form of work aimed primarily at providing help to families in their personal and social development. The goal of these activities was to support families in crisis, help them grow, take responsibility for their own lives while coping with daily difficulties. Participants of the project were equipped with skills to cope with the problems of the modern world, their ability to make decisions was strengthened, and they gained skills in coping with stress, solving family conflicts and problems, as well as improving their parenting skills. Families also had access to a consultation point where specialists such as a lawyer, psychologist, and mediator provided consultations. The actions taken contributed to pulling the beneficiaries out of the crisis they were previously in. The achieved results and products largely helped to solve the problems associated with crises that families were facing. Through participation in the project, 120 people (82 females and 38 males) were provided with developmental, educational, supportive, and social services. They gained many social, interpersonal, and life skills, and their self-esteem improved. They started functioning better in terms of family relations and in the local community, and were able to overcome many crises they faced before participating in the project. The project evaluation indicated positive changes in the perception of social roles related to being a father, mother, wife, or husband, as well as the responsibilities associated with these roles, by young people. Another outcome of the project is the support for the places providing informational and educational services that continue to exist after the project has ended. In the Przeworsk Municipality, consultations with a psychologist, mediator, and lawyer are still available.”